Download Okidata 320 Drivers

To download and install the NT 4.0 drivers, complete these steps:

  1. Visit the Okidata website at
  2. Select the Drivers option under SUPPORT.
  3. Using the dropdown list for Select Technology, select Impact Printers.
  4. Using the dropdown list for Select Model, select ML320 Turbo.
  5. Select Windows NT 4.0 Microline 320/321 Turbo for Windows NT 4.0
  6. Download 320tnt40.exe and save to disk.
  7. Find that file you saved and double-click it. It should extract to c:\program files\320tnt40.
  8. Say no to the message do you wish to run the add printer program to install.
  9. In the printers folder, delete the oki 320 there. Go through the Add Printer wizard. On the driver screen, click Have Disk and browse to C:\program files\320tnt40 and open the printer.inf file.
  10. Be sure and answer all questions to replace the existing driver and on the warning that the driver is not approved or digitally signed by Microsoft.
  11. Click to replace the driver anyway.
  12. Print test page and ensure the driver version shows 3.X and not 5.0.