Tire Comparison IDs

A unique ID is generated for each tire comparison quote. Each ID begins with “TQ” and appears in the upper right corner of the tire comparison document in blue, bold text.

The label before the tire comparison quote ID changes based on the ticket type that was open when the tire comparison was created.

ID Label When Generated from Tire Quote Alone

When you generate a tire comparison when no ticket is open, “Estimate #” appears before the ID number.

The estimate number circled ont he tire comparison window.

If you create a quote from the comparison, the TQ ID appears

You can search the Estimates in Progress window by this ID to find the quote later.

ID Label When Generated with a Ticket Open

When you generate a tire comparison when a ticket is open,

The ID area of the tire comparison window.

If create a quote from the comparison, the Estimate Reference number appears

You can search the Estimates in Progress window by this ID to find the quote later.

How Tire Comparison IDs Increment

Tire comparison IDs always increment by one, started at "TQ00001" and up.

If you decide not to create a quote from a tire comparison, its TQ ID number is not used again. As a result, you may see big gaps in the sequence of TQ numbers on the Estimates in Progress window. Those gaps are partially due to the tire comparison IDs that are generated for comparisons that are not converted to quotes.