Vehicle Specifications from Quick VIN Plus
When you enter the License number and click the Quick VIN Lookup button, CARFAX decodes the license plate number to the VIN. The decoded vehicle information is available on a series of tab windows.
Click the note button to the right of the VIN Lookup button to open the lookup results.
The VIN always appears at the top of the window. The Base tab always appears when the results window first opens.
NOTE: You cannot add any of the information in the tab windows to the vehicle record in R.O. Writer; however, reviewing this information may help you choose the vehicle information.
Base Tab
The Base tab displays the most basic information about the vehicle such as year, make, model, etc.
Vehicle Tab
The Vehicle tab displays more vehicle specifications.
Engine Tab
The Engine tab displays the engine specifications.
Options Tab
The Options tab displays more options for the vehicle.
Additional Models
For some vehicles, information for more than one model is available. When this happens, a dropdown list containing the other versions appears in the upper right corner of the window.
You can select another option in the dropdown list at any time to see information for that version of the vehicle. The information on the tab changes immediately.
NOTE: In the graphic above, the "Base" tab displays the basic vehicle information while "Base" in the dropdown list means the base model of the vehicle.