Creating and Editing Fleet Accounts
You can create or edit fleet accounts only when assigning a vehicle to a fleet from the ticket window. After the vehicle is assigned, you can access only the Review and Save tab by clicking the Fleet button; there is no access to the Client Company tabs.
House and COD Accounts
Complete these steps:
- On the open ticket, click the Fleet toolbar button and the Fleet Wizard opens to the Fleet Type tab.
- Select House Account or Fleet Account - COD as the Fleet Type.
- Click the Client Fleet Name tab.
To create a new account, click the New button.
To edit an account, select the account in the list and click the Edit button. -
The Edit Fleet Account window opens displaying the Fleet Details tab.
- Enter the details of the account.
- Click the Other Information tab and enter the details.
- Click Save to save the account or the changes to the account.
National Accounts
Follow the same instructions for creating and editing house and COD accounts; however, the Edit Fleet Account window contains two additional settings at the top of the window: National Account and Client Fleet Of.
Setting |
Description |
National Account |
Check this option to indicate that this is a national account. When checked, the Client Fleet Of dropdown list is disabled.
Client Fleet Of |
This dropdown list is active only if the National Account option is not checked. Use it to mark the account a client fleet of a national account. The dropdown list contains national accounts that are not client fleets of any other national account.
NOTE: R.O. Writer uses the options and information for the national account instead of the client fleet company. However, if the national account does not discount (set to $0.00) and the client fleet does discount, then R.O. Writer applies the client fleet's discount and not those of the national account.
Fleet Details Tab
Enter the contact information: Fleet Name, Contact, Address, Zip, Home Phone, Office Phone, and Email Address
- Enter the percentage discount for Parts, Labor, and Sublet labor.
- On Invoice - Select to show the discounts on the printed invoice.
- Discounts are applied before taxes and fees are applied.
- Supply fees and sales tax are calculated on the discounted amount.
- For more information, click the following link: On Invoice Discounts on the Fleet Discounts Report.
- Off Invoice - Select to hide the discount on the printed invoice.
- Discounts are applied only to the labor and parts totals and not the total invoice amount.
- Supply fees and sales taxes are calculated on the total before discounts are applied.
- Off-invoice discounts are not applied unless the repair order is billed to the fleet and the full amount is charged to the selected payment type.
- For more information, click the following link: Off Invoice Discounts on the Fleet Discounts Report.
Other Information
- Purchase Order Required - Select to require a purchase order number to finalize the repair order.
- No Supply Fee - Select if you do not want to charge supply charges for this account.
- Tax Exempt - Select this option if the account is not to be charged sales tax.
- Tax ID - Enter the tax ID number.
Charge Account
NOTE: This section usually does not apply to COD accounts, which require payment for each service via cash, check, or credit. Leave the Bill To blank and uncheck all other options.
- Open Account (default) - Opens an Accounts Receivable account in R.O. Writer for this fleet account. To create a one-time charge or bill to another company, uncheck Open Account.
- Apply Finance Charge (default) - Charges finance charges on past due amounts. To remove the charge, uncheck this box.
- Credit Limit:
- Enter the credit limit amount for the account.
- Leave at $0.00 to set an unlimited amount.
- Billing options - Select the billing cycle in Accounts Receivable: Monthly, Weekly, or Semi-Monthly Billing.
- Bill To - This dropdown list gives you the option of billing all repair orders for this account to another account.
- To bill this account directly, leave blank.
- To bill repair orders to another fleet account, select it in the dropdown list.
- The dropdown list contains fleet companies with open accounts in Accounts Receivable.
- Uncheck the Open Account box as well.
Other Information Tab
On the Other Information tab, enter information about the fleet account. There are two sections: Instructions and To Print on Repair Order/Estimate.
Instructions Section
Enter instructions about handling this account; usually, contact information for troubleshooting. This information appears when Fleet Notes is clicked. This information in the Instructions section does not print on customer invoices.
National accounts are linked to client accounts. When there are notes from the national account and the fleet company in R.O. Writer, the Fleet Notes window displays a section for each note.
To Print on Repair Order/Estimate Section
In the To Print section, enter the text that you want to appear in the Fleet Information section of printed customer invoices.
National accounts are linked to client accounts. When the national account has information to print on customer invoices, that information appears in a National Fleet Information section.