NAPA Legacy Catalog

The NAPA Legacy online catalog integrates easily with R.O. Writer to

NOTE: A speedy, always-on Internet connection is a requirement for successfully using the NAPA Legacy catalog.

Configuring NAPA to Use the Legacy Catalog

You must have an established relationship with NAPA. Please contact your local NAPA store to retrieve your STORE ID and TAMS password.

When configuring the electronic ordering interface for the NAPA supplier, check the Use Legacy NAPA Catalog box.

Use Legacy NAPA Catalog checked in Supplier configuraiton.

R.O. Writer uses NAPA PROLink and Smart eOrder unless Use Legacy NAPA Catalog is checked.

Launching the Legacy NAPA Catalog

Open the R.O. Writer main module and open a ticket. Click the NAPA Catalog button in the Quick Launch.

Vehicle Information

If the vehicle in the ticket is valid and matches the NAPA vehicle information exactly (year, make, model, etc.), that vehicle information is selected automatically.

If the vehicle in the ticket does not match the NAPA vehicle information exactly, the NAPA Vehicle selection window opens.

TIP: You can click the Edit Vehicle

Category Search

Click the Category Search toolbar button to search by category and sub-category (for example, Brake System - Pads and Shoes). Double-click on each selection to advance.

Category search results.

Searching for Jobs

Job searches are a quick way to look up a list of parts for many popular types of work. For example, if you are doing a front brake job, you can find all the parts you need for the job.

The list of job groups and associated parts.

The following table describes the search categories.



Always Considered

The parts in the Always Considered group are the parts that are always used in the selected job.

Sometimes Considered

The parts in the Sometimes Considered group are the parts that are often but not always used in the selected job.

Chemicals & Supplies

The parts in the Chemicals and Supplies group are the extra items you might need to complete the job.

Tools Group

The parts in the Tools group are the special tools associated with the type of job you selected.

Other Searches

Click the Other Searches toolbar button to search by part numbers and/or keywords.

Search results for a keyword search.

The following table describes the search criteria.



NAPA Part Number

If you know the exact NAPA part number, enter it. To perform the search, press the ENTER key or click the Search by Part Number button.

In the Line field, you can enter a line code to further refine the search, but it is not required.

OEM Part Number

If you know the OEM part number, you can enter that part number. Then, press the ENTER key or click the Search by OEM Number button.

The search retrieves the correct part through an interchange with the NAPA part number.

Keyword Search

You can search for parts by entering a partial description of the part in the Keyword field. To perform a wildcard search, enter an asterisk (*) at the beginning or end of the search term. For example, "Water*" retrieves parts that start with "Water" whereas "*Water" retrieves parts that end with "Water".

Parts Search Results

Whether you searched by category, job, or other, the matching parts display.

Part search results.

The following table describes the information available in the search results.



Selection (First)

The selection column is the first column with no heading. Each row contains a checkbox. Click the checkbox to select the part.


The OH column displays the quantity on hand in your local inventory. "NS" displays for non-stock parts.


The Qty column displays the quantity needed per vehicle. For example, for a six-cylinder engine, spark plug parts would show a quantity of six.


The Line column displays the NAPA line code.

Part Number

The Part Number column shows the NAPA part number.


The Description column shows the description of the part.


The Core column shows the core fee (if a core fee is charged for the part).


The List column displays NAPA’s suggested list price.


The Price column displays the price when posting to an invoice. This value is determined based on your configuration settings. If a quote sign (") is displayed, you have chosen a pricing method that requires cost. The values appear in the Price column when you click the Check Cost/Avail button.


If an image is available for the part, the word Image is displayed in the last column. Double-click "Image" to display the image for the selected part.

Show Additional Part Information Box

Check the Show Additional Part Information box to expand each part to display more information.

The parts results with the show additional information checked.

Check the box again to return the display to normal.

Store Dropdown List

The Store dropdown list displays the selected store.

  • To display information about the selected NAPA store, click the + sign to the right of the dropdown list.
  • To see results from a different store, select that store in the dropdown list.

Check Dist Center Box

If checked, the DC quantities are also returned. In some cases, checking the DC can take longer.

  • If you are using CPM or Matrix pricing, the selling price is calculated.
  • If you change the selected store, a re-query for availability is automatically run for the selected store.

Checking the Store for Parts

Put a check in the box of the Selection column of all parts you want to check. Click the Check Cost/Avail button to search the store for the selected parts.

Posting Options

You can post selected parts

To Post to the Shopping Cart

Put a check in the box of the Selection column of all parts you want to check. Click the Post to Shopping Cart button. The shopping cart opens displaying the selected parts.

The shopping cart with parts.

On the Shopping Cart window, you can

When you click the Post to Invoice button, all items in the shopping cart post.

To Post Parts Directly to Tickets

Check the box in the Selection column of all parts you want to post. Click the Post to Invoice button.

You can add a new labor operation to a ticket or attach the parts to an existing ticket. If you choose to create a new job, you can select the labor categories and operations.