R.O. Writer Suppliers for OEC Dealers

The OEC RepairLink integration is unique because you do not buy from OEC RepairLink. You create a supplier with an interface to OEC RepairLink; however, you do not order and post from the OEC RepairLink supplier. Instead, you buy from OEC dealers through the OEC RepairLink supplier.

Rather than forcing you to create suppliers for every OEC dealer you order from, R.O. Writer creates a new supplier as soon as you post a part from an OEC dealer to an open ticket automatically.

NOTE: While you do not need to create suppliers for each OEC dealer, you do need to keep track of the suppliers R.O. Writer creates for OEC dealers. All transaction information – purchase orders, invoices, payment records, etc. – are with the supplier created for the OEC dealer not with OEC RepairLink itself.

How R.O. Writer Creates New Suppliers from OEC Dealers

On the Posted Parts and Labor tab in Smart eCat, the OEC dealer name appears above the list of parts.

The dealer part on the Parts tab of the posted parts and labor tab with the dealer code circled.

When you

R.O. Writer checks to see if there is a supplier with the same name as the OEC dealer. If there is no supplier in your database with the same name as the OEC dealer, R.O. Writer creates a supplier with the OEC dealer information in the background. Nothing appears on the screen.

When you open the part on the ticket (after posting), you can see the OEC dealer as the Supplier.

The Editing Part window showing the OEC dealer as the Supplier.

OEC Dealer Suppliers in Configuration

Open Configuration and select Configuration menu > Parts > Suppliers. The OEC dealer has been created as a supplier.

The Suppliers configuration window showing the OEC dealer as an R.O. Writer supplier.

Supplier Information

Supplier Interface Information

When you select OEC RepairLink in the Supplier Interfaces section, the Connection Information for the supplier appears.

The interface information for an on-the-fly supplier.

When a New OEC Dealer is Already One of Your Suppliers

If an OEC dealer is already a supplier in R.O. Writer Configuration, R.O. Writer does not create a new supplier. Instead, R.O. Writer modifies your existing supplier with the information from the OEC dealer.

When you post a part from an OEC dealer to a ticket for the first time, R.O. Writer starts creating the R.O. Writer supplier by searching the database by supplier name. If a supplier name in your database matches the OEC dealer’s name, then R.O. Writer adds the OEC RepairLink interface to the existing supplier.

How the Existing Supplier is Modified

The existing supplier information - including the Supplier name, Supplier Code, account, and address information - remains the same.

OEC Supplier interface as the primary interface.

OEC as the second supplier interface.