Converting a Tire Comparison Quote

You can convert the quote to an estimate or a repair order as needed.

Complete these steps:

  1. Search for the quote on the Estimates in Progress window.
  2. Open the quote.
  3. On the Jobs section of the Parts/Labor tab, delete the tire packages you do not want on the final ticket until the only tire package on the quote is the one the customer picked.

    • Right-click on the labor line of the tire package and select Delete Labor on the menu.

    The tire comparison quote with Delete Labor circled on the right-click menu.

  4. Click the Convert button and chose Convert to Estimate or Convert to Repair Order.

    The tire comparison quote with the covert toolbar button clicked.

  5. Choose the parts and labor to include on the converted ticket.

    The Convert Phone Quote to Repair Order window with the labor operations selected to convert.

  6. Choose if you want to create a new ticket or add the tire packages to an existing ticket.

    The create new repair order and transfer to existing options circled.

  7. If you choose to create a new estimate or repair order, you need to search for and select the customer and vehicle.

    The search for customer or vehicle window over the conversion window.

    If you cannot find the customer and vehicle, you can create a new customer and vehicle.

  8. Click OK. The new estimate or repair order appears with the tires from the quote.

    The parts/labor tab of the new repair order created from the conversion.