Service Recommendations

Service recommendations are services that are recommended for the customer’s vehicle. These recommendations are stored in history for the customer and vehicle.

Service Recommendation Window

If there are service recommendations stored in history for the customer and vehicle, the Service Recommendations window pops up for that customer and vehicle.

the Service Recommendations window.

To Add a Service

Double-click on an item to post it to the current ticket.

After the service is posted, it is removed from

Click the Done button to save and exit.

To Remove a Service

To completely remove service recommendations without posting to the open ticket, select the services and click the Remove Follow-up Item or Remove Declined Item buttons.

To See if There Are Recommended Services

Sometimes people bypass or ignore the recommended services popup. If so, you can check to see if there are any recommended services for the vehicle at any time.

While the ticket is open, click the Services button in the ticket toolbar The Services button in the toolbar. . The Service Recommendations window opens.

How Recommended Services Are Created

R.O. Writer creates service recommendations in several ways.

Checklist Items

From checklist items (most common):

Labor Operations Configured for Follow-Up

Labor operations that have been set up for follow-up on the Shop Code Criteria Tab of the Marketing/Follow-up module. Any time this labor operation is posted to a ticket, a follow-up service recommendation is automatically generated for a specified date from the day of service.

These labor operations

Declined Parts and Labor

Declined parts and labor appear in the bottom half of the window and includes:

The declined items in the bottom half of the window.