Charging to Customer Accounts

You can charge repair orders payments to customer account in Accounts Receivable (AR)as follows:

These charges appear on the customer's account with the repair order number as the reference number.

NOTE: Without the Accounts Receivable module, it is not recommended to use the Charge to AR Account option.

Customer accounts are created by checking the Charge Account checkbox on the Edit Customer window. You can do this in Configuration or by clicking the Edit Customer link on the Parts/Labor tab of the repair order.

If you want to charge the customer without creating a customer account, you can make a one-time charge.

Charging to a Customer Account

If the customer has an open AR account, the Charge to AR Account button appears on the finalize payment window.

If the Balance Due is zero, click the Finalize button to complete the transaction.

Charging to Another Customer's Account

To charge the repairs to another customer's account, click the Charge to Third Party button on the finalize payment window. You need to search for the customer.

Only customers with open AR accounts are retrieved.

The Customer List with only AR customers found.

You are prompted to select the billing options for the account on the Select Billing Cycle window. Monthly is the default.

the Select Billing Cycle window.

If the Balance Due is zero, click the Finalize button to complete the transaction.