Update Smart Fluid Data from Epicor

Smart Fluids uses Epicor part information. Epicor updates this information regularly. You always want to make sure you are using the most current information from Epicor. Before linking parts for Smart Fluid jobs, you should update the Epicor data.

You update the fluid data on the Smart Fluids Setup window that opens when you click the Configure button in the Smart Fluids section of the Smart eJob.

At the top of the window, click the Update Smart Fluid Data button. The data updates immediately.

The update process completed on the Update Smart Fluids Setup window.

Adjust the Part Linking After an Update

After updating Smart Fluid Data, always verify the part links on the Smart Fluid Setup window.

If Epicor changes the description items linked to a part, those links is broken. The new descriptions re-appears in the left column where they are not linked to any part in the job.

The Epicor Viscosities Not Linked to Parts section.

If this happens, you need to re-link the new descriptions to the parts.

Instructions are included in the following topics: