Tire Parts on Tickets

When a tire part is added to an estimate, repair order, or phone quote from anywhere in R.O. Writer, the following information is added to the ticket automatically:

When tires are added from Tire Quote, the pricing package is also added, including:

A tire package posted from Tire Quote in the Jobs section of the Parts/Labor tab.

Opening Tire Parts on Tickets

When a tire is on a ticket, double-click on it to open the Edit Parts window. A Tire Info button appears on the Editing Part Window if the part is part of a tire group. This button opens the Tire tab where you can

The Editing Parts window showing the Tire tab with the information fields and the DOT area.

The Tire Info button appears red if the DOT number is required to finalize the repair order.

To Review or Add Tire Information

Click the Tire Info button on the Edit Parts window.

You can edit the tire information fields. Click OK to save your changes. Edits to tire information are saved to the part on the ticket and not the part record in local inventory.

To Add DOT Numbers

DOT numbers:

Complete these steps:

  1. Click the Tire Info button on the Edit Parts window. The Tire tab appears at the bottom of the window.

the Tire tab with the information fields and the DOT area.

  1. Double-click on a tire in the DOT list.

    The DOT window where you enter the DOT number.

  2. Enter the DOT number and click OK.
  3. Repeat the process for all tires.
  4. When DOT numbers are entered and saved for all tires in the DOT list, the Tire Info button turns from red to gray.
  5. Click OK on the Edit Parts window.

NOTE: If you need to remove tires after entering DOT numbers, you need to click the Tire Info button again and delete the DOT number(s) of the tire(s) you are removing.

Tire Parts on Printed Tickets

Tire parts appear on printed estimates, work orders, and repair orders.

DOT - The "Tire [#] DOT" field(s) always print(s).

Tire Information - The fields for Warranty, Ratings, Size, Tread Depth always print.

For more information about where the tire information comes from and where it appears, click the following link: Enter the Tire Specification Information.

With DOT and Tire Information

The tire area of printed documents showing completed tire information and DOT numbers.

Without DOT and Tire Information

The tire area of printed documents showing tire information and DOT entries with no information entered.