Discontinued Tires and Rebate Information

The search result table now includes a column for rebates and a column for discontinued tires.

The Discontinued and Rebates columns circles.

Discontinued and rebate information appears only if that information is sent by the supplier.

Discontinued Tires

The search results from tire suppliers can include discontinued tires.

Search Results

If the tire is discontinued,

The discontinued indicator in the D column.

Discontinued Filter

You can use the search filters to filter the search results by discontinued tires.

The Discontinued filter for has rebates.

Discontinued Tires Updates

Discontinued tire information is updated in the Tire Information Download that you can run in Tire Quote. Pricing is updated during the download.

Rebate Information

The search results for tires from tire suppliers can include rebate information.

Rebate Indicator Column

If the tire has a rebate, a

Tire with rebate selected in the list.

To Access the Rebate Forms

If the rebate entries in the Specifications table include a hyperlink, you can click the link to open the supplier's rebate information. What opens depends on the information provided by the supplier. Often this is a web page that contains the rebate form but not always.

NOTE: R.O. Writer cannot obtain the rebate forms for you.

Rebate Filter

You can use the search filters to filter the search results by tires with rebates.

The Rebate filter for has rebates.