How Do I Know if a Vehicle is Valid for ACES?

You know if a vehicle is valid for ACES if “ACES” appears in green text in the vehicle section of the Parts/Labor tab.

the vehicle section of the parts/labor tab with the ACES indicator circled.


To be considered valid for ACES, online catalogs and repair diagnostic databases look for ACES IDs in the vehicle record. If no ACES IDs are in the vehicle record, you are prompted to select ACES vehicle information, which adds the ACES IDs to the vehicle record in the R.O. Writer database permanently.

You add these IDs when you validate a vehicle for ACES. Vehicles are validated by entering the ACES vehicle information (including the engine) on the

The ACES Vehicle Selector window with the sub-model dropdown list expanded.

The ACES vehicle fields on the vehicle tab.

For more information about ACES labels on the Edit Vehicle window, click the following link: ACES Label Indicators