Caller ID

Caller ID works with your phone system to show you

The Caller ID pops up in the lower right corner of the screen so you can continue working without interruption. You can see Caller ID information on any machine in the network.

The main R.O. Writer window with calls popping up in the lower left corner.


You need a Caller ID Whozz Calling Box and a license for the Caller ID program.


Caller ID is installed with R.O. Tray. R.O. Tray is installed as part of R.O. Writer by default. If you are licensed for Caller ID, the Caller ID button appears in R.O. Tray automatically.

You access R.O. Tray in the taskbar in the bottom right corner of your computer screen.

Configuring Caller ID

Open R.O. Tray and click the Caller ID button The Caler ID button.. The Caller ID options appear.

The Caller ID window in RO Tray.

Call Status

This option will display the status of the last calls made to or from all available lines. Information can include:

Caller ID Setup Options

Click the Setup button to open the Caller ID Setup window.

the Caller ID Setup window.

The settings on this window are as follows:

Click Save to save your settings.

Call History Reports

The following reports for Caller ID are available in the Reporting module via the Other Reports toolbar button: