Edit Ship To

Configuration module > Customers/Vehicles menu > Edit Ship To

Parts only tickets can have different shipping and billing addresses. In this setting, you can add ship to addresses to customer records. Ship to address are available only on parts only tickets.

To Add a Ship To Address to the Customer Record

You can enter many ship to addresses for the same customer.

Complete these steps:

  1. In the Configuration module, click the Customers/Vehicles menu > Edit Ship To Address.
  2. Enter the name or phone number of the customer and click OK.

The Search window for customers.

  1. Select the appropriate customer from the Customer List or select New Customer if the customer name doesn't already exist and click OK.

The Customer List window showing one customer in the list.

  1. If there are no ship to addresses entered yet, the Vehicle List asks if you want to use the billing address as the ship to address.

The Vehicle List window with no ship to address and asking if you want to use the billing address for the ship to address.

If any ship to addresses were already entered, the Ship To List appears with all the Ship To Addresses for the customer listed. You can select one.

The Ship To List window showing one ship to list.

  1. To enter a new Ship To Address, click New Address to enter a new one. The Ship To Address window opens.
    This window is the same as the Entering Customer Information window except that the Other Information and Notes tabs are disabled.

The Customer tab on the Ship To Address window with the Other Info and Notes tab disabled.

  1. Enter the address details.
  2. Click OK to save the new Ship To Address.

To Enter Ship To Addresses on a Parts Only Ticket

You can also enter ship to addresses directly from parts only tickets if the Check the Ship To Address box to put the Ship To Add toolbar button of parts only tickets. option is selected on the Repair Order options window in Configuration The Parts Only Tickets checkboxes..

When that option is selected, a Ship To Add button appears in the toolbar of the parts only ticket window.

The Ship To Add button in the toolbar of the parts only ticket window.

Click this button to search for and add Ship To addresses to the customer record.

Parts Only Form Type

When setting up Form Types in Configuration, select SEPARATE BILLING ADDRESS for parts only tickets if you want to print both the billing and the shipping address on the invoice.

The Forms Setup window with the Parts Tickets dropdown list expanded and circled.