
Configuration menu > Repair Order > R.O. Options > Labor

The Labor section on the Repair Order Options window.

Edit Inv# on Add Labor

If selected, the Invoice # field is active on the Editing Labor Window.

If not selected, the Invoice # field is grayed out when an Accounts Payable invoice is posted from a sublet labor job.

The Invoice # field disabled in the Sublet section of the Editing labor window.

Labor Calculations

The options in this section determine how labor operations are calculated when they are posted to open tickets.

The Labor Calculations section circled.

Calculate Charge

This setting will automatically select the Calc Charge option when adding a labor operation to an open ticket for the first time.

Calculate Time

This setting will automatically select the Calc Time option when adding a labor operation to an open ticket for the first time.

Calculate Labor Cost

This option determines if the labor cost is calculated manually (Billed Time) or by the Labor Time Clock (Elapsed Time).

Based on Elapsed Time

The technician's hourly rate multiplied by (x) the Elapsed Time (actual time) after the Finished option is checked. Before the Finished option is checked, the cost is calculated based on Billed Time.

Average Hourly Rate circled on the Technicians Configuration window.

On the Editing Labor window, in the Pricing section, $16.50 X 3.20 (Elapsed Time) = $52.80 (Cost).

The Cost of $52.80 circled on the Editing labor window.

Based on Billed Time

The technician's hourly rate multiplied by (x) the Billed Time (flag time).

On the Editing Labor window, in the Pricing section, $16.50 X 1.55 (Billed Time) = $25.58 (Cost).

The Cost of $25.58 circled on the Editing labor window.