Searching by Smart Keyword

The Keywords field in the Information Section of the Parts/Labor tab displays smart keywords as links when a part or labor operation with smart keywords is selected in the Jobs section.

Keyword links in the information section of the Parts/Labor tab.

The Keywords field is blank in the Information section when

Smart Keyword Configuration

Smart keywords are assigned to parts and labor in Configuration.

Epicor and Smart eCat must be installed and configured because smart keywords search for Epicor parts and labor in Smart eCat.

Searching by Smart Keyword

You can search both parts and labor by smart keyword.

To Launch a Keyword Search from a Part

When a smart keyword link is clicked, a keyword search for the matching Epicor parts is launched in Smart eCat. All configured suppliers are searched as part of an integrated search.

Complete these steps:

  1. Open a ticket.
  2. Add a part that has smart keywords assigned.
    (You can add the part directly; however, you would most likely add a labor operation or Smart eJob that includes a parts kit.)

    No keyword links displaying because no part or labor is selected in the Jobs section.

  3. Click on the part in the Jobs section. The smart keywords appear as links in the Keywords field.

    Keyword links in the information section when a part is selected in the jobs section.

  4. Click one of the keywords.
  5. Smart eCat opens and begins searching for catalog parts that match the keyword automatically. The search results appear on the Catalogs tab.

    Keyword search results on the Catalog tab of Smart eCat.

    NOTE: The search results are always filtered by the vehicle on the ticket. Only results appropriate for the vehicle appear in the results.

  6. You can
    • Double-click on a matching part and/or labor to see more results.
    • Type additional or different keywords into the Search box and search again.
    • Close Smart eCat.

To Launch a Keyword Search from a Labor Operation

When a smart keyword link is clicked, a keyword search for the matching Epicor labor is launched in Smart eCat. All configured suppliers are searched as part of an integrated search.

Complete these steps:

  1. Open a ticket.
  2. Add a labor operation that has smart keywords assigned.
  3. Click on the labor operation. The smart keywords appear as links in the Keywords field.

    Keyword links showing because a labor is selected in the jobs section.

  4. Click one of the keywords.
  5. Smart eCat opens and begins searching for catalog parts that match the keyword automatically. The search results appear on the Catalogs tab.

    Keyword search results in smart ecat from a labor keyword search.

    NOTE: The search results are always filtered by the vehicle on the ticket. Only results appropriate for the vehicle appear in the results.

  6. You can
    • Double-click on a matching part and/or labor to see more results.
    • Type additional or different keywords into the Search box and search again.
    • Close Smart eCat.