Posted Parts and Labor Tab

On the Posted Parts and Labor tab, you review the parts and labor and then post both to the open ticket.

The parts and labor appear on the left and the posting options appear on the right.

The posted parts and labor tab.

There are three tabs:

Parts Tab

The Parts tab shows all parts that have been posted to Smart eCat, either from an integrated search or the supplier punchout. This tab is the same as the Parts tab in Smart eOrder.

The Parts tab appears first if any parts have been transferred or posted to Smart eCat. This is the most common scenario.

Parts are grouped by supplier and sometimes the supplier’s location.

The parts tab.

NOTE: Parts can be transferred directly or because they are included in labor such as a service, labor operation, or Smart eJob.

To Order Parts Before Posting to the Open Ticket

The Parts tab has the same functionality as Smart eOrder for one ticket. You can order parts before posting them to the open ticket.

For more information, click one of the following links:

To Delete Parts from the Parts Tab

To delete one part, click on the gray area before the part number to highlight the entire line and press the DELETE key. A prompt appears letting you know how many parts you selected to delete. Click Yes to delete the parts.

Labor Tab

The Labor tab shows the labor details that were posted to Smart eCat.

This tab appears first only if the labor transferred or posted to Smart eCat contains no parts. Otherwise, you need to click this tab to see the labor.

Labor Guide Section

This section displays the details of the selected labor.

The Labor Guilde circled at the top of the labor tab.

If only one labor is on the Labor tab, these values represent that labor line.

The following table describes each item in the Labor Guide.

The following table describes the fields in the Labor Guide section at the top of the Labor tab.
Item Description
Total Time The total time for all labor transferred to Smart eCat.
Base Labor Charge This is the labor charge for the service without any adjustments.
Highest Skill Level The highest skill level in the sub-labor lines.
Labor Rate

The available labor rates in R.O. Writer. The labor rate is determined by the highest skill level. You can change the labor rate if needed.

The labor rate dropdown list at the top of the Labor tab.

These labor rates are set up in the Configuration module.

NOTE: The Labor Rate dropdown list is disabled if external locking has been applied.

Adjusted Charge

The adjusted labor charge for the service, calculated as Base Labor Charge + Any adjustments that apply.

Adjustments depend on the service. Some services adjust the labor charge and some do not. If this charge matches the Base Labor Charge for one service, then no adjustment has been applied.

The total Labor charge in the Prices section in the right column matches the Adjusted Charge.

The Labor charges in the Prices section.

Labor Lines

Labor lines appear only for catalog labor from Epicor selected during the search.

The labor tab with epicor labor and other labor.

NOTE: Typically, these lines do not appear for Smart eJobs; however, if catalog labor from the Labor Guide was added to the Smart eJob and that catalog labor was selected during the search, the selected labor lines appear here.

Other Labor

Smart eJobs may include Other Labor but it does not appear on the Labor tab. The Other Labor does post to the open ticket when the Smart eJob posts.

If there is Other Labor, that labor appears in the Other Labor section. However, Other Labor is not included in

To Delete Labor Lines

To delete labor lines, you click on the labor line and press the DELETE key.

A prompt appears telling you how many lines you have selected to delete. Click Yes to delete the selected lines.

To Post Multiple Labor Lines

Labor lines post according to the Posting Options in the Right Column that you select.

If you choose to

Then, all labor lines post to the Description box of that labor operation.

If you choose to post all parts and labor individually, the labor lines post according to the grouping on the Labor tab. Smart eCat uses colors and shading to define groups of labor lines that post as one labor operation.

Notes Tab

The Notes tab contains catalog specifications or Epicor specifications for the parts.

The Notes tab.

This tab never appears first. You need to click the Notes tab to see if any notes have been posted. These notes post to the Description box of the labor on the open ticket.

To delete a full line, click once on the gray bar at the far left of each line and press the DELETE key.

Posting Options in the Right Column

The options on the right side of the window, determine how the part is connected to labor operations on the open ticket.

The right column.

Posting Options

This section determines how the selected parts and labor on the Posted Parts and Labor tab post to the open ticket.

The option selected in the Default Posting section of the Options tab in Smart eCat Configuration is selected here automatically.

The Posting options in the right column.

The following table describes the posting options in the right column of the Posted Parts and Labor tab.
Option Select this option to…
Post Parts and Labor
to a New Job

Post the parts and labor to a new labor operation.

If this option is enabled select the category (required) and operation (optional).

  • For Smart eJobs, this option is selected and disabled. The category and operation in the Smart eJob are selected on the Smart eJob tab.
  • For catalog labor, this option is the labor category and a general labor operation for that category.
  • For Service Intervals,
    • If a default labor is configured for Service Intervals, the default labor is selected automatically.
    • If no default labor is configured, this option is enabled but no labor is selected.
Post Parts and Labor
to an Existing Job

Post the parts and labor to a labor operation already posted to the ticket.

The dropdown list contains only labor operations on the open ticket.

Add Individual Parts
and Labor to Invoice

Add the parts and labor as separate, individual lines.

  • Each part appears as a separate line under a blank labor operation.
  • Each labor is posted as one labor operation.

Labor Descriptions

The labor options determine the information included the Description field when the labor is posted to a ticket.

The Labor Options in the right column.

This information includes:

The following table describes the labor options.
Labor Option Select this option to…
Use Predefined

Use the description of the R.O. Writer labor operation instead of the Epicor description displayed on the Labor tab.

The labor posted to the Jobs section of a ticket when Use Predefined Description is selected.

Use... is usually the default.

Append to Predefined

Add the Epicor description to the end of the description of the R.O. Writer labor operation.

The labor posted to the Jobs section of a ticket when Append to Predefined Description is selected.

Replace Predefined

Replace the R.O. Writer description of the labor operation with the Epicor description displayed on the Labor tab.
(If there is no Epicor description, the description of the labor operation is blank.)

The labor posted to the Jobs section of a ticket when Replace Predefined Description is selected.

NOTE: A default option is chosen in Smart eCat Configuration in the Options section. There are different defaults selected for different kinds of labor.