Edit Smart Jobs Window

The Edit Smart Jobs window opens when you click Configuration menu > Labor > Smart Jobs > Smart Job Category and then

The Smart eJob configuration window.


When typing in the description, keep the following in mind: 

Category and Operation

You can choose to base the Smart Job on an existing labor category by selecting it in the Category dropdown list.

You can choose to base the Smart Job on an existing labor operation by selecting it in the Labor Operation dropdown list. The Labor Operation labor is a hyperlink. Click the Labor Operation link to open the labor operation.

Package Price

You can assign Smart Jobs a Package Price, which is one price for all labor and parts. Select Package Price and enter the appropriate amounts.

Maximum Amounts

To establish maximum amounts for Parts, Labor, or the Total, enter the amounts in the appropriate area. You are warned if the totals exceed the maximum amounts. R.O. Writer does not adjust the price automatically.

Smart Job Dropdown List in Smart eCat

If Package Price is selected, it determines if the price for the Smart Job displays in the Smart Job dropdown list in the Smart eJob tab in Smart eCat.

The package price blank in the Smart Job dropdown list.

Minimum Price

You can use the Package dropdown list to set a minimum price for the job.

Minimum Price selected.

For details, click the following link: Minimum Price for Smart Jobs.

Lock Status

The Lock Status options enable you to

The Edit Smart Job window with the Lock Status section circled.

See Locking Smart Jobs and Smart eJobs and Lock Time, Rate, and Charge.

Group Priority

Each section contains a Group Priority dropdown list to the right of the section.

All group priority dropdown lists circled.

Use the numbers in these dropdown lists to determine the sequence in which Smart eCat should move through each section. For example, if you want Smart eCat to search for the catalog parts first, select 1st in the Group Priority dropdown list on the Catalog Parts section.

Labor Guide (Catalog Labor)

In the Labor Guide section, you can add catalog labor from Epicor.

The Labor Guide section.

To Add Catalog Labor

Complete these steps:

  1. Click the Add button in this section. The Select Labor Description window opens.

The Select Labor Description window.

NOTE: The Help buttons on this window are from a third-party software which does not open when you click this button.

  1. To search, type a description in the Labor Descriptions box. The first matching item is highlighted in the list.
  2. To select an item for the job, you can select the item and click OK or just double-click the item. The catalog labor is added to the section.
  3. You can add multiple catalog labors.
  4. Use the up and down arrows to determine the sequence of labor searches in Smart eCat.
  5. You can also determine the time.
    • Add Time - Type in the amount of time to add to the time specified in the Epicor labor.
    • Minimum Time - Type in a time that the Epicor labor cannot go below. (Some Epicor labor items have no service times. This field inserts a time if none is entered.)

To delete an existing labor job, select the entry and press the Delete button.

Catalog Parts

You can add multiple catalog part descriptions from the Epicor catalog.

The catalog parts section.

To Add Catalog Parts

Catalog Parts use Epicor description. When the job is selected in Smart eCat, the Epicor specifications are provided for the part.

Complete these steps:

  1. Click the Add button in the Catalog Parts section. The Select Part Descriptions window opens.

The Select Part Descriptions window.

  1. To search, type a description in the Part Descriptions box. The first matching item is highlighted in the list.
  2. To select an item for the job, select it and click OK or just double-click the item.
  3. The catalog part is added to the section.

To delete an existing part description, select the entry and click Delete.

NOTE: The Help buttons on this window are from a third-party software which does not open when you click this button.

To Set the Workflow in Smart eCat

Set the Group Priority on the entire section to determine which section Smart eCat accesses and searches first when the job is selected.

Use the up and down arrows to determine the sequence in which Smart eCat moves through the items in this section.

Other Labor

This section allows you to add existing labor operations to Smart eJobs.

The Other Labor section.

The Other Labor section is available only when the Use Smart eJob option is enabled in Configuration. Otherwise, this section is disabled.

To Add Other Labor Items

You can add multiple labor operations.

Complete these steps:

  1. When this section is enabled, click the Add button. The Add Other Labor pop-up window appears.

    the Add Other Labor pop-up window.

  2. Select the labor Category and Operation in the dropdown lists.
  3. These lists contains all labor categories and operations in your database.
  4. Click OK. The added labor appears in the Other Labor section.

NOTE: To delete labor, select it, and click the Delete button.

To Set the Workflow in Smart eCat

Set the Group Priority on the entire section to determine which section Smart eCat accesses and searches first when the job is selected.

Use the up and down arrows to determine the sequence in which Smart eCat moves through the items in this section.

Other Parts

You can add multiple parts from Inventory in this section.

The other parts section blank.

Complete these steps:

  1. Press the Add button beneath Other Parts. The Smart Job popup window appears.

    the Smart Job Part popup window.

  2. On the Smart Job Part popup window, enter the part number or part description.
  3. Click the Search Inv button.
  4. On the Parts List, select the appropriate part from the list.
  5. Enter the Quantity for the job.
  6. Click OK. The added part appears in the Other Parts section.

NOTE: To delete an existing part, select the entry and press the Delete button.

To Set the Workflow in Smart eCat

Set the Group Priority on the entire section to determine which section Smart eCat accesses and searches first when the job is selected.

Use the up and down arrows to determine the sequence in which Smart eCat moves through the items in this section.

Smart Fluids

If you are licensed for Smart Fluids, a Smart Fluids section appears on the Edit Smart Jobs window.

The Smart Fluids section.

You can configure the following fluids jobs as Smart Fluid jobs:

For details about setting up Smart eJobs with Smart Fluids, click one of the following links:

To Set the Workflow in Smart eCat

Set the Group Priority on the entire section to determine which section Smart eCat accesses and searches first when the job is selected.

Use the up and down arrows to determine the sequence in which Smart eCat moves through the items in this section.

Oil Sticker Checkbox

Check the Oil Sticker box to set the Smart Job to print oil stickers.

When the Smart Job is added to a ticket, the labor description says, "Oil Sticker Required" until the oil sticker is printed.