Phone Quotes
Phone quotes are estimates that do not require customer or vehicle information. This makes it much easier to give quick quotes to customers over the phone.
Phone quotes are saved to the Estimates in Progress Window automatically so that you can pull them up when the customer calls back. The quote number begins with a “Q” to distinguish it from an estimate.
You can convert quotes to estimates or repair orders. During conversion, you are required to enter or select a customer and vehicle.
To Create Phone Quotes
Click the Phone Quote button . The quote opens to the Parts/Labor tab, which contains Edit Customer and Edit Vehicle links at the top of the window.
NOTE: If Start with Service Requests is selected in Configuration, then the quote window opens to the Service Requests tab.
To get a quick estimate amount, add labor or parts
To get a more accurate amount, click Edit Vehicle and enter the make and model of the vehicle.
- You can use Smart eCat or any of the integrated suppliers to search for and select the right parts and labor for the vehicle.
- Keep in mind that some cars require special oil or parts or labor and those items can impact the estimated price.
To Save Phone Quotes
Phone quotes save automatically when you close them. They are assigned a "Q" at the beginning of the ticket number to differentiate them from other estimates.
Phone quotes appear in the Estimates in Progress Window.
To Convert Phone Quotes
You can convert a phone quote to an estimate or a repair order. Click the Convert button in the ticket toolbar. Then choose Convert to Estimate or Convert to R.O.
NOTE: If there are required services, the labor operations associated with the required services are posted to the new estimate or repair order.
Non-Job-Based View
- If the job-based view is selected, selecting the labor automatically selects all parts associated with that labor.
- If the job-based view is not selected, labor and parts need to be selected separately.
Unconverted Items
Items not selected for conversion remain on the phone quote, which remains on the Estimates in Progress window with a status of Open.
To Delete a Phone Quote
To delete a phone quote, open it, click the Other Information tab, and change its Change Status to Delete.
You can also change its Status by clicking the Status link in the Information Section of the Parts/Labor tab.