Posting Web Warehouse Parts to Open Tickets

R.O. Writer‘s integration with IMC enables you to launch, search, and post Web Warehouse parts from an open ticket, which saves you many steps in the process.

Posting Web Warehouse Parts to an Open Ticket

You can post Web Warehouse parts to a ticket only if you launch Web Warehouse when that ticket is open on the R.O. Writer window.

Complete these steps:

  1. Open a ticket.
  2. .Click the Web Warehouse logo The web warehouse logo in the Quick Launch. in the Quick Launch.
  3. Smart eCat opens the punchout for Web Warehouse.
    • R.O. Writer automatically logs you in and selects the vehicle in the ticket.
    • If Web Warehouse doesn’t find the vehicle, enter the search criteria to select the vehicle.
    • If Web Warehouse selects the wrong vehicle, click Reselect Vehicle button at the top of the window to select the correct vehicle.

    The Web Warehouse punchout.

  4. You can search for parts by
  1. Scroll through the search results.
  2. When you find the part you want, enter the quantity, and click the Add button on the individual part. This adds the part to the shopping cart.

    A part added to the IMC shopping cart.

  3. When you have added all parts, click the Quick Cart or Shopping Cart buttons at the top of the punchout window. The Web Warehouse shopping cart opens displaying the selected parts.
  4. To post the parts in the shopping cart to the open ticket, click the green Transfer button.

  5. Select the Smart eCat posting options on the right side of the window.

    The following table describes the posting options in the right column of the Posted Parts and Labor tab.
    Posting Option Description

    Post Parts and Labor
    to a New Job

    Posts the parts and labor to a new job that is not currently on the ticket. Select the job in the list(s).

    The dropdown lists contain all labor categories and operations.

    • Category (required)
    • Operation (optional)

    Post Parts and Labor
    to an Existing Job

    Posts the parts and labor to a job that is currently on the ticket. Select the job in the dropdown list.

    The dropdown lists contain only jobs already posted to the open ticket.

    Add Individual Parts
    and Labor to Invoice

    Adds the parts and labor as separate lines.

    • Each part is added as a separate item.
    • All jobs are added to the same group.

    Select this option if the jobs are not included in the same labor operation.

  6. Select the Labor Options to determine how the labor description posts to the ticket.

    The following table describes the labor options in the right column of the Posted Parts and Labor tab.
    Labor Option Description
    Use Predefined

    Select to use the description of the R.O. Writer labor operation instead of the Epicor description.

    This is usually the default.

    Append to Predefined
    Select to add the Epicor description to the end of the R.O. Writer labor operation description.
    Replace Predefined

    Select to replace the description of the R.O. Writer labor operation with the Epicor description.

    The posted description is blank so that you can type in a description.

  7. Click the Post/Exit button. The parts post to the Parts/Labor tab.

    The IMC part in the Jobs section of the Parts/Labor tab.

Now that the part is posted, you can order parts. For details, click the following link: Ordering Web Warehouse Parts.