
R.O. Writer has built an integration with Transtar®. The integration allows you to search for parts directly from an open ticket and post the parts to that ticket without ever leaving R.O. Writer.

Configuring R.O. Writer for Transtar

You configure R.O. Writer by entering your account details from Transtar. When you created your account with Transtar, they should provide you with your access credentials. R.O. Writer cannot provide you with Transtar account information; you must contact Transtar to obtain this information.

Step 1 - Check Your License for Transtar

Transtar is a licensed feature. When you check your license details, you should see Transtar in your Licensed Options. If this feature is not included in the Licensed Options section, you may need to refresh your license.

If you would like to add this feature, please contact the R.O. Writer Sales team to update your license.

Step 2 - Configure the Transtar Supplier With an Interface

You can create only one Transtar interface.

R.O. Writer cannot provide you with your account information; you must obtain your account information directly from the supplier.

Complete these steps:

  1. Open Configuration.
  2. Click Configuration menu > Parts > Suppliers.
  3. Select Transtar in the Supplier dropdown list.
  4. Enter the supplier information on the main Supplier window.
  5. Click Add in the Supplier Interfaces section.
  6. On the Supplier Interface window, select Transtar in the top half of the window. The Connection Information for Transtar appears in the bottom half of the window.

    The electonic ordering interface window for Transend.

  7. Enter the interface information.
  8. Click Save. The interface window closes.
  9. The saved Interface Name appears in the Supplier Interfaces section on the main Suppliers window.

    The Supplier Interfaces section with Transtar in it.

    • The Set Coverage File Download Options button is disabled because you do not download coverage (.MCL) files for Transtar.
  10. Click Save again on the main Supplier window.

Transtar Interface Connection Information

You must obtain the access credentials from Transtar; R.O. Writer cannot provide you with your account information.

The electonic ordering interface window for Transend.

The following table describes the Transtar interface options.
Option Description

Post Orders to Accounts Payable

Select this option to automatically post part orders with Transtar to Accounts Payable. You will be prompted to post to Account Payable during the order process.

User Name and Password

Enter the login credentials you received from Transtar for your account.

Service URL

The URL is the website or network location of the supplier's catalog.

Click the Set to Default button. R.O. Writer enters the correct URL for the supplier in the field automatically. Use the default URL unless your account uses a different URL.

  • R.O. Writer 2.4 and lower interfaces with Transtar's eSource® platform.
  • R.O. Writer 3.0 and higher interfaces with Transtar's Transend platform.

When you click the Set to Default URL button, the correct URL for the platform appears in the Service URL field.

Inventory Line Code

Transtar does not use line codes. However, you can enter a line code for the entire interface.

Keep in mind that R.O. Writer searches your local inventory by part number/line code combination.

R.O. Writer recommends the following: 

  • If there are no Transtar parts in your local inventory
    • Enter a line code of “TRA”.
    • If you decide to stock Transtar parts at some point, this line code ensures that those parts won’t accidentally match existing part records.
    • The line code is added to non-stock Transtar parts when posted to tickets.
  • If there are Transtar parts in your local inventory with a line code assigned
    • Enter that line code here.
    • The line code is added to non-stock Transtar parts when posted to tickets.
  • If there are Transtar parts in your local inventory with NO line code assigned
    • Do NOT enter a line code for the Transtar interface.
    • The line code is NOT added to non-stock Transtar parts when posted

NOTE: Because Transtar does not use line codes, line codes are never sent to Transtar when ordering parts. Only the part number is sent to Transtar when ordering in Smart eOrder.

Default Department

Choose the default department to use for Transtar. This list contains all parts departments.

TIP: You should create a parts department specifically for Transtar and select as the default department in this list.


The pricing options determine the pricing method R.O. Writer uses for Transtar parts in the department selected in the Default Department dropdown list.

  • Use List Price __% uses the list price percentage. This option is selected by default.
  • Other pricing options appear depending on the Parts Pricing Method selected for outside purchases in Configuration. These options are:
    • Use Default Pricing (Cost Plus Multiplier)

    • Smart Matrix by Supplier

    • Smart Matrix by Department

Part Lookup Setting

In Configuration, open repair order Catalog Options (Configuration menu > Repair Order > Catalog Options) and check Exact Line Code, Part Number Lookup.

Exact Line Code, Part Number Lookup checked.

Local Inventory Coverage List

If you use Smart eCat, the Local Inventory coverage list is based on Epicor data. Transtar does not have any parts listed in the Epicor catalog; therefore, you cannot add Transtar to your Local Inventory coverage list.

In addition, the coverage file download process is disabled for Transtar.

Transtar parts in your local inventory appear in search results if the part number and line code match. The Available column of the part line displays “Stock [#on hand]” when the Transtar part is available in local inventory.

Step 3 - Enable Access to the Transtar Catalog

If you don’t see Transtar in the Quick Launch or Smart eCat toolbar, you need to enable access to Transtar in the Catalogs section of the Quick Launch in Configuration.

Complete these steps:

  1. Open Configuration and click File menu > General Options.
  2. Check the Transtar box.
  3. Click OK and close Configuration.
  4. Open R.O. Writer main module.
  5. Transtar appears in the Catalogs section of the Quick Launch.

Accessing Transtar

You can access Transtar from an open ticket by:

When you click either button, Smart eCat always opens in Smart eCat (even if you are not licensed for the full Smart eCat catalog).

NOTE: If you access Transtar without a ticket open, you can search the Transtar catalog but you cannot post parts to any ticket.

Vehicle Selection

Transtar uses ACES vehicle information. When you access Transtar, R.O. Writer connects to Transtar and searches for the vehicle based on the information in the open ticket.

When the vehicle information is found successfully, the Transtar vehicle information appears in the status bar at the very bottom of the Smart eCat window.

The Smart eCat windwo showing the vehicle information from R.O. Writer and the Transtar vehicle selected at the bottom of the window.

For details, click the following link: Adding ACES Information on the ACES Vehicle Selector Window.

To Select a Different Transtar Vehicle

If you want to use a different vehicle than the one in the ticket, click the Reselect Transtar Vehicle button. The ACES Vehicle Selector window opens where you can choose a new vehicle.

Searching for Transtar Parts

After the Transtar vehicle is selected, you search for and select the parts to post to the ticket.

To Search Using the Categories

Complete these steps:

  1. Open a ticket.
  2. Access Transtar.
    • If the vehicle on the open ticket matches the Transtar vehicle information all the way to the transmission type, the part selection window opens.
    • If the vehicle on the open ticket does NOT match the Transtar vehicle information all the way to the transmission type,
  3. When the vehicle is found, the part selection window opens.
  4. The Categories and Sub Categories for the Transtar vehicle appear.

    The Transtar categories and sub categories for the vehicle.

  5. Choose the parts you want and click Next. R.O. Writer searches the Transtar catalog for matching parts.
  6. The matching parts appear on the Catalog tab.
  7. Check the box of the part you want.

    The Transtar search results with a part selected.

    If the part is in your local inventory, the Available dropdown list says “Stock: [# on hand]”.

  8. Click the Next toolbar button to move to the next step.

To Manually Search for Transtar Parts

On the Catalogs tab, instead of using the groups, you can search for parts manually in the Part Search section.

The parts search section.

Enter an Item Number, Description, and Part Type from the dropdown list, and then click Search.

Exploded Transmission Diagrams

Search Results Window

This section describes the most common parts of the window.

Catalog Toolbar

The toolbar at the top of the Catalog tab contains several options.

The toolbar that appears over the search results.

The following table describes the catalog toolbar options.
Item This item:


Displays the selected Transtar category and/or subcategory.

Show/Hide Unavailable

Click to show or hide unavailable parts.

The green checkmark button.

Selects all parts.

The red x button

De-selects all parts.

The Cost toolbar button.

Click to show or hide the cost in the search results. The Cost displays by default, when the Cost toolbar button is clicked, the Cost and List columns are hidden.

Navigation Buttons

These buttons appear in the top right corner and help you move through the windows.

The navigation buttons in the smart ecat toolbar.

Part Information in Search Results

The following table describes the column for each part row.
Column Description

The blank gray square. The gray square with a red checkmark in it.

Click on this box to select or de-select a part.

The blank gray square. - Part is not selected.

The gray square with a red checkmark in it. - Part is selected.

The letter i button

The presence of this button indicates that there is an image available for this part. Click the "i" button to see the image:

The i button pointing to the image that it opens when clicked.


The part's description.

Part Number

The part number.


The number of pieces needed for the part (i.e., the quantity). For example, brake pads usually come in a pack of two; therefore, there are two pieces per part number.

To enter a new number, click in this field, type in the new number, and click in an empty space on the screen.


The core cost (if available or required).


The cost if available. If not available, $0.00 displays.


The list price.


The price to the customer. You can change the price by clicking inside the field and typing in a new price.

Click on an empty space on the window outside the Price field and the new price appears.


The Availability dropdown list for a part.

The location of the part and its available quantity in that location. The format is as follows: Location [Quantity].

By default, the closest location with on-hand quantity appears on the line.

Click the down arrow to see all available locations.

  • Stock - Your local inventory (part number/line code must match).
  • Branch - The location closest to you. This is usually where you buy most of your parts.
  • Region - The wider Transtar system.
  • Specific location of the part. Additional availability information appears as a separate part line for the part.

The availability information also appears with the part on the Posted Parts and Labor window.

Part Line Information

Additional information appears as separate lines under each part.

Part Origin

The part line with information in parentheses and often indicates the part's classification. For instance, if the part is a specific brand, OEM, used, aftermarket, etc.

The text usually corresponds to the letters before the part number.

Part information from transtar under the part and in parentheses.

Availability and Location

On the Catalog tab, the specific location appears in the Available dropdown list. The part availability details also appear on a separate line for each part.

The Available dropdown list and the information in the part line on the Catalog tab.

The availability information also appears with the part on the Posted Parts and Labor tab.

The Availabilty information with the part on the Posted Parts and Labor window.

If There Are No Parts for the Vehicle

Occasionally, there are vehicles in the Transtar database whose transmission type has no parts associated with them. If one of those vehicles is selected for the ticket when you click access Transtar, a message appears notifying you that no Transtar parts are available for that vehicle.

The message notifying you that no transtar parts are available for the vehicle.

Click OK and the parts selection window opens, but there is nothing in the list to select.

If this happens,

Posting Transtar Parts to an Open Ticket

After you have searched for and selected your parts, you post them to the Posted Parts and Labor tab.

Complete these steps:

  1. When you have selected all parts and they appear on the Posted Parts and Labor tab, select the posting options in the right column.

    the posting options in the right panel.

  2. Select the Technician (optional)
  3. Choose the way parts and labor are posted to the ticket.

    The following table describes the posting options in the right column of the Posted Parts and Labor tab.
    Posting Option Description

    Post Parts and Labor
    to a New Job

    Posts the parts and labor to a new job that is not currently on the ticket. Select the job in the list(s).

    The dropdown lists contain all labor categories and operations.

    • Category (required)
    • Operation (optional)

    Post Parts and Labor
    to an Existing Job

    Posts the parts and labor to a job that is currently on the ticket. Select the job in the dropdown list.

    The dropdown lists contain only jobs already posted to the open ticket.

    Add Individual Parts
    and Labor to Invoice

    Adds the parts and labor as separate lines.

    • Each part is added as a separate item.
    • All jobs are added to the same group.

    Select this option if the jobs are not included in the same labor operation.

  4. Click the Post/Exit button.

    The posting option selected and the post/exit button circled.

  5. Smart eCat closes and the part(s) appears on the ticket.

Ordering Parts from Transtar

When Transtar parts are on a repair order, you can

Ordering Guidelines

Keep in mind the following when ordering Transtar parts in R.O. Writer:

The message notifying you that you cannot post to accounts payable because not all parts are available from the same location.

If this occurs, click OK. Then, uncheck the boxes of the all the Region parts or all the Branch parts to de-select them. When only the Region parts or only the Branch parts are selected, click the Post/Exit button again.

To Order Parts in Smart eOrder

Smart eOrder is an R.O. Writer utility that lets you order parts directly from open tickets

Complete these steps:

  1. Open the repair order.
  1. Click the Smart eOrder button in the Quick Launch The Smart eOrder icon in the Quick Launch.. The Transtar parts from the repair order appear on the Smart eOrder window.
  2. Click the Truck button to place the order.
    • The Order Options window opens.
    • The purchase order number is the repair order number. You can enter another number but it is not recommended.
    • You can type a message for the purchase order in the white box.
  3. Click OK to place the order.
  4. The post to Accounts Payable window opens only if

    R.O. Writer generates the Purchase Order and Invoice Number.

    The post accounts payable invoice window for a transtar order.

  5. Click OK to post these orders to Accounts Payable. "On Order" appears below the part on the Parts tab.
  6. Click the truck button to contact Transtar and place the order. When the order is successful, green checkmark appears on the Truck button.

    Transtar parts ordered.

  7. Click the Post/Exit button to update the parts on the open repair order. Smart eOrder closes and the parts on the repair order now appear black.
  8. Double-click on one of the parts to open it. On the Edit Parts window,
    • The Invoice # appears and cannot be changed because the part has been posted to Accounts Payable.
    • The To Order box is unchecked because the part has been ordered.
  9. Click OK to close the part.

To Order Parts in P.O. Management

P.O. Management is a tool in the Inventory module that allows you to build purchase orders for parts on different repair orders at one time. You can use it to create purchase orders for stocking orders.

For details, click the following link: Purchase Order Management.