Adding Labor Operations to Tickets

You can add labor operations directly to an open ticket.

Adding Labor Operations to an Open Ticket

Complete these steps:

  1. Click the Labor toolbar button The add labor button in the ticket toolbar.. The Editing Labor window opens.
  2. Select the Category and Operation in the dropdown lists.

  3. The Editing Labor window populates with information from the selected labor.

    The Editing Labor window for a labor opened from a ticket.

  4. Modify or enter the labor settings as necessary.
  5. When all items have been edited or entered, you can:
    • Click OK.
      • The labor is added to the ticket, including any parts kits. The Editing Labor window closes.
    • Click Next.
      • The labor is added to the ticket, including any parts kits. The Editing Labor window stays open.
      • All the fields are cleared so you can add more labor. Repeat Steps 1—4.

NOTE: The OK and Next buttons remain inactive until you enter an Operation or a Description.

Entering Information on the Editing Labor Window

On the keyboard, press the TAB key to move between fields. You can also click in any field, option, or box.

When entering prices or labor times, the numbers are entered starting with the right end of the field. For example, entering "1" results in ".01" in the field.

You can type in all numbers or use the decimal point (.) to enter the number you want.

Saving Changes to the Labor Operation in Configuration

By default, R.O. Writer saves any changes you make on the Edit Labor window to the labor operation on the ticket when you click OK. Those changes do not affect the labor operation on other tickets or the labor operation in Configuration.

If Allow On-the-Fly Changes to Parts and Labor Files is selected in Configuration, you are prompted to save the change to the labor operation when you click OK after making a change.

A prompt asking you if you want the change you just made to apply to the master file of the part or labor.