Payment Types

There are two ways to access the Payment Types Configuration setting:

An R.O. Writer payment type categorizes the credit cards, debit cards, and electronic payments you accept.

Payment Types Window

Each row represents a single R.O. Writer payment type. You can have up to nine active payment types at a time.

The Payment Types window with one payment type selected.

Payment Type Columns

You can use the fields on each row to map R.O. Writer payment types and accounts to ePay card brands.

The following table describes the columns on the Payment Types window.



Payment Type

Enter a descriptive and accurate name (for example, "Visa" or "MasterCard"). Remember that payment types appear on sales reports.

Fee Percent

If you enter a value in this field, the Accounting Interface automatically calculates the fee that the credit card company charges you.

A transaction is added to each accounting transfer that reduces the individual credit card asset account and charges it against the "Credit Card Processing Fees" cost account defined in standard accounts. If no fee is entered, no transaction is generated.

Auto Deposit

Check this box to transfer the credit card sales from the asset account to the bank account automatically. The bank account is the "Checking Account" standard account.

Deposit After

Enter the number of days to post-date auto-deposit transactions. The deposit transaction occurs this number of days after the date of the deposit.


This information determines how these payment types work with the Accounting Interface.

Enter the name you use in your accounting system to track credit card payments.

  • Do not leave this field blank.
  • You can use account names or account numbers.
  • Use a colon to indicate sub-accounts.

Make Inactive

Check this box and click the Archive Payment Type button to archive a payment type.

Map ePay Card Brands to

This list contains the credit cards you can map payment types to for the electronic payment provider.

Only the card brands supported by the electronic payment provider appear in the list of ePay card brands. PayPros, 1st Mile, and OpenEdge support different card brands.

Mapping Payment Types

You must map R.O. Writer payment types to ePay card brands to process electronic payments.

The Payments Types window with callouts pointing to the payment types and universal epayment types.

NOTE: Click the ePayment Setup button to open Electronic Payment Setup.

The topics in this section include: