Sales by Category Comparison

The Sales by Category Comparison report compares sales and profits between two date ranges such as a comparison from last year to this year.

When the Print button is selected, the Date Selection window opens where you select two date ranges for comparison.

the Date Selection window.

You can use the Start Date and End Date fields or the Automatic Dates dropdown list.

Report Sample

The Sales by Category Comparison Report.

Column Sections

Each category is grouped into two date ranges and then the difference between them.

Prior Range Columns

The following table describes the columns in the Prior Range column group.
Column Definition

Total labor sales.

"Not Found" is for labor with no labor category was assigned.

“Not Assigned” is for labor with no technician assigned.


Total parts sales for parts attached to labor operations in job-based view.

“Not Assigned” is for

  • Parts not attached to labor operations in the job-based view.
  • Parts with no technician assigned.
Other Sales Tax plus Non Taxable Parts Fees plus Supply charges minus Discounts. Sales taxes and supply charges are averaged across categories for each repair order.
Total Labor + Parts + Other.

Current Range Columns

The following table describes the columns in the Current Range column group.
Column Definition
Jobs Number of jobs.
Labor Total labor sales. Labor with no category assigned will show under the category Not Found. Labor with no technician assigned will show the technician as Not Assigned.
Parts Total parts sales for parts attached to labor operations in job-based view. Parts not attached to labor operations will show under the category Not Assigned. Parts with no technician assigned will show the technician as Not Assigned.
Other Sales Tax plus Non Taxable Parts Fees plus Supply charges minus Discounts. Sales Taxes and Supply charges are averaged across categories for each repair order.
Total Labor + Parts + Other.

Change Columns

The following table describes the columns in the Change column group.
Column Definition
Jobs The difference in the number of jobs
% The percentage difference
Labor The difference in the number of labor sales
% The percentage difference
Parts The difference in the amount of parts sales
$ The percentage difference
Other The difference in the amount of the other column
% The percentage difference
Total The difference in the total
% The percentage difference

Grands Totals

The grand totals at the end of the Sales by Category Comparison report.

the grand totals on the Sales by Category Comparison report.

Drilldown Report

When printed to the screen, this is a drilldown report. You can double-click on any category to open another tab that displays only that row.

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